The Article 282 of Russian Criminal Code is one of the most controversial ones: it doesn’t clarify the difference between abusive statement and simple freedom of speech. Based on it, any person expressing his opinion on the Internet, can go to jail. We want to change this.
Together with Amnesty International, we create a petition for amendments
to Article 282 of the Criminal Code, to clearly indicate the limits of legality
of generated content on the Internet and reduce the number of violations
of human rights. To collect a sufficient number of signatures, we want to get
a resonance in the Instagram — a platform where people feel safe.
The task of the project is to inform people, collect as many signatures
for a petition as possible and revise the ambbiguous law.
If we place a photo of a person inside the Instagram grid, it will look like a prison grid.

We will create an account Zone_282 (in Russian ‘Zone’ have two meanings —’prison’ and ‘area’)
and will publish photos of each person convicted under the Article 282. More information about
the reason for detention and, for example, quotes from the courtroom will be placed as the photo description.

Once a person is arrested under the article, we publish the photo of the prisoner on the channel.
Once a person is released – we delete the photo.
The goal of the project is to remove all photos from the account.